Columbia House DVD Club - ColumbiaHouse.com
Although DVD rentals is a good way to watch a lot of movies for cheap, sometimes you want to keep a title that you (or your kids) want to watch over and over. The solution is to buy it, but why pay high prices? One way to get DVDs for a really good price is to join the Columbia House DVD Club.
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Columbia House The Columbia House DVD club operates an economical membership program to help movie lovers conveniently build their DVD libraries. When members join, they receive several DVDs at amazingly low prices, indeed beneath cost. In return, customers agree to buy a few more DVDs at regular prices at some time over the next year or 2 depending on the offer. A popular monthly movie selection is chosen and automatically sent to members about once a month, but, if you prefer, you can decline the selection at any time by quickly accessing your Columbia House membership account on the website (or by returning your membership card in the regular mail). Whenever you purchase a movie, you earn "fun cash" that can be used to purchase free and discounted DVDs.
Instead or in addition to the director's selection, you can choose to purchase a variety of DVDs from Columbia House's ample inventory of movies. You'll find films in every major category, from action, adventure, anime, classics, and comedy to science fiction, fantasy, westerns, and dramas. Purchase documentaries on DVD, family movies, fitness videos, and independent films. They also carry titles in categories such as kids, holiday, international, war, sports, and modern classes. Search for a specific title, browse by category, or click on "top actors" to find movies starring such talented celebrities as Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Kevin Bacon, Robert DeNiro, Gregory Peck, Marlon Brando, and Dustin Hoffman, as well as movie mavens such as Alicia Silverstone, Angelina Jolie, Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn and Nicole Kidman.
When you sign up for the program online, you can choose several DVDs from anywhere on the dvd-movies.columbiahouse.com website for just a nominal fee. You then have the option to purchase additional movies at a discount off of regular prices and immediately reduce your membership commitment. Shop for bestselling movie tiles including Happy Feet, Ghost Rider, The Good Shepherd, The Pursuit of Hapyness, Stranger than Fiction, Shrek, Casino Royale, Charlotte's Web, Dreamgirls, and The Departed.
Columbia House has become a fully-owned subsidiary of BMG, but it still operates under its well-known name at ColumbiaHouse.com. It's an efficient way to build your DVD collection with popular, inspiring, unique, or entertaining movies.
Get started at Columbia House by checking out their current offer, making your initial selection of movie DVDs, and starting your membership. Get all the details on their current promotion, movies that you can choose from, and everything else you want to know at ColumbiaHouse.com.
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On AllGameRentals.com, you can read information on other dvd clubs where you can find discount deals. Everyone should also check out the information on DVD rental services such as Netflix.com, Blockbuster.com, Gameznflix.com and DVDAvenue.com.
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